The Capital “C” Church
The Church was founded by Jesus at Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago when He poured out His Spirit on those early believers gathered to pray in an upper room in Jerusalem. A former country fisherman named Peter preached the first sermon in church history and some 3,000 people responded and were baptized into Christ. Christ’s body has continued to grow ever since. It has survived and thrived through a variety of challenges from both within and without. The history of the church has been far from perfect. We are merely a sinful and selfish people loved and forgiven by a perfect Savior.

The Restoration Movement
Son-Rise Christian Church grows from the rich, fertile soil of a spiritual heritage known as the Restoration Movement. This was a grassroots revival that swept across the American frontier during the 19th Century as a part of what was known as the 2nd Great Awakening. Christians from a variety of backgrounds sought a new spiritual frontier as they left behind the denominational divisions that had so fractured the church. They sought to unite and worship together on the basis of God’s Word alone. They wanted to “Restore” New Testament Christianity (thus the restoration in the movement’s name), and free the faith from the centuries of traditions and interpretations that had hardened the arteries of this once living, breathing, and dynamic community of Christ followers. A contentious and divisive spirit had splintered the body of Christ into a thousand different groups organized around different man-made ideas and opinions. These Christians sought to be known as Christians only and let the Bible be their only test of faith. It might seem a bit simplistic and idealistic, but it was a needed corrective. It remains a necessary reminder today.
The distinguishing characteristics of the Restoration Movement have always been unity and biblical authority. This is why in our church today you will find strong teaching of the Scriptures and Christians from many backgrounds and viewpoints who manage to worship and work together.
This Congregation
Son-Rise Christian Church began as a Bible study in the home of Charles & Joyce Embree on July 11, 2007. By the end of the month they were “maxing out” their home, and wanted to establish a new testament church. Charles Embree agreed to serve as the minister until we were organized and established when we would then call a full time minister.
The first formal church service was held on the evening of August 5 at the Embree’s with 38 people in attendance. With a packed house, it was decided that the group need to rent a facility. The group also discussed a number of possible names for the new congregation, including Son-Rise Christian Church.
By the next Sunday, we had rented a store-front facility about 1/2 block from the court house. Many people worked throughout the week, cleaning, scrubbing, and working to make the facility as nice and inviting as possible. The first Sunday in the store-front, 91 people were present, with “standing room” only for any late-comers. Several people went home to bring back more plastic lawn chairs.
During the first few weeks there were several baptisms in the river at “Bell Ford.” Within a few weeks the store-front also grew too cramped to house the growing church, so we rented the former home of “Sheila’s Place” restaurant. Our first Sunday in that building Was November 11, 2007. A great amount of work remodeling was done on that building to make it a suitable church home.
Greg Strickland was called as our full-time minister on May 18, 2008. As Son-Rise continued to grow the search began for property either to build on or to meet in. We moved from “Sheila’s Place” to our current facility on Nov. 2 with 108 present. We have been updating and improving this property ever since, as funds have become available.