We’ve all been there. Perhaps it was in a hospital room as the monitors that kept a constant vigil over your loved one’s life signs beeped their last plaintive tones. It might have been that unexpected phone call in the middle of the night, or the uninvited man in uniform knocking at your door. Maybe it was in funeral home beside the open casket that the full weight of your loss finally hit you, or it was the first scoop of dirt as the backhoe droppedĀ the freshly dug earth into the now filled grave.
Even more sobering is the reality that one day that will be us. That will be our hospital room, our accident, our illness, our grave.
We’ve all been touched by death. There is no escaping it. We must all journey through the valley of the shadow. There is no avoiding it, but, oh, do we ever try. We have all sorts of creative ways of disguising, denying, and delaying dealing with the reality of death.
In John 11 Jesus takes death and face to face and he declared, “I am the resurrection and the life.” Join us Sunday as we see how Jesus gives us hope in the face of death.