
More than a class

Deeper than a study

Doing life together. Join a LifeGroup today.

How to Read the Bible

Hosted by Pastor Dan

This 8 week series will explore the basic principles of reading and understanding your Bible. It will feature a combination of group discussion and video sessions led by Michael DeFazio of Ozark Christian College.

This LifeGroup will meet at 9 am on Sunday mornings in the back of the chapel starting October 22.


Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage

Hosted by Roy and Carmen Diehl

This video series by Mark Gungor uses humor and laughs to help husbands and wives better understand each other. This LifeGroup is targeted at our young couples. It will also feature additional discussion led by Roy and Carmen.

This LifeGroup will meet on Sunday mornings at 9 am in the kitchen classroom starting October 22.


Seniors LifeGroup

Hosted by Bob Wilson

This new LifeGroup for senior saints just started. It is currently exploring the Book of Acts. It features group discussion of the Scripture being studied. There is also time for prayer and sharing.

This LifeGroup meets on Mondays at 4 pm in the northwest corner classroom.

Current Groups Already Going (Feel free to jump in anytime!)


Women’s LifeGroup

Hosted by Milan Rodriquez

This LifeGroup is a women’s Bible study small group focused on understanding God’s word and applying its principles in life. Generally, we do workbook studies that may or may not include a video series. We work through the questions each week with plenty of time for discussion and questions. Currently, we are studying “It’s All Under Control,” which focuses on learning what things we should learn to control, and how to surrender the things we can’t control.

This LifeGroup meets at 9 am on Sunday mornings in the classroom in the northwest corner on the main floor.

Exploring the Bible

Hosted by Mark Peterman

This adult LifeGroup focuses on the understanding the Bible and applying it do our daily lives. Over a period of five years, the material will take you through the entire Bible. However, the lessons are varied, so that you are not stuck in any one part of the Bible for too long. There is a lesson with lots of group discussion and a time for prayer requests and sharing.

This LifeGroup meets at 9 am on Sunday mornings in Fellowship Hall

The Amazing Journey

Hosted by Pastor Dan

This LifeGroup is doing a survey of every book of the Bible and the big picture message of the Bible. What are the major themes? Who are the important characters? How do they all tie together?

This LifeGroup meets at 6:30 pm on Wednesday evenings in the chapel.