Son-Rise Christian Church takes seriously our Savior’s call to his disciples to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). For us, this is a call to impact our community, our region, our nation, and our world. For this reason, our mission extends far beyond our backyard. We support ministries and missions in the Marshfield community, in the United States, and around the world. Those who serve in the Missions Ministry insure that Son-Rise uses its missions funds wisely, communicate with the various missions we support, and promote those ministries to the church, and help insure that we stay missions minded.
Webster County Food Bank
Choices Pregnancy Center
School Backpack Program
Judea & Samaria
Christian Campus House
Christian Prison Ministry of Missouri
Show-Me Christian Youth Home
Freeway Ministries
Ends of the Earth
Webster County Pantry
Marshfield, Missouri
Webster County Food Bank provides food and other items to families in need in Webster County. Recipients must meet income guidelines. The pantry is open the 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month from 9 am to 2 pm. Son-Rise helps the 1st Saturday of each month in the afternoon.
The Webster County Pantry is located at 41 Ferguson Drive. Just take Elm Street south and look for the cell phone towers on your right.
Webster County Pantry
Marshfield, Missouri
Choices is a crisis pregnancy center committed to helping pregnant women and their families through education, encouragement and equipment in order to make our community a better place. Choices offers help for all thing related to pregnancy, everything from maternity mentoring to post-abortion counseling. Services include mentoring, ultrasounds, maternity resources such as clothing and diapers, to classes and baby supplies. All services are free and confidential.
School Backpack Program
Marshfield, Missouri
The backpack program provides needy K-12 students in Marshfield schools with backpacks of food for the weekend.
Christian Campus House
Springfield, Missouri
Christian Campus House seeks to provide a caring fellowship
where college age people can find and expand their relationship with God and learn to be doers of the Word.
This is our mission statement, but it is also more than words. For over 35 years, we have seen hundreds of students find fellowship, encouragement, teaching from God’s Word, counsel, training, service, and excitement about being a part of the body of Christ. Many of those students have gone on to serve in the mission field and various forms of ministry. Many others are putting their faith into practice in law, medicine, education, business, social services, and multiple other fields. Dozens of former CCH Students serve actively in the leadership of their local congregations and have their hands in a variety of community efforts.
So why CCH? Why not live your life for something more? These are the best years of your life, and that’s true, but it’s so easy to waste them. Want more? Check us out. Get involved and start your journey with us this semester.
Show-Me Christian Youth Home
Show-Me Christian Youth Home is a faith-based organization dedicated to improving the lives of children struggling because of circumstances in their current home environment. We believe every child deserves a home, a family, the opportunity for a better future and an excellent eternity.
We seek to partner with others ready to put their compassion into action to impact children, families and break the cycle for future generations. With your help we can make a difference…for good.
Christian Prison Ministry of Missouri
In Prisons in Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, & Arkansas
Christian Prison Ministry of of the Midwest exists to Cultivate, encourage and equip the body of believers in all 23 Missouri state prisons and the federal prison in
Springfield. They have also recently expanded to several surrounding prisons in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas. The ministries provided are customized to the needs of each prison. They include worship services, prayer ministry, protective custody visitation, anger management program, Pathways to Change, Inside-Out Dads, and other training and studies.
Freeway Ministries
Springfield, Missouri
Freeway Ministries is an organization committed to living out the Gospel and fulfilling the Great Commission found in Matthew 28. They are committed to using Biblical truths and believe through the reasoning of scriptures, people can and will be set free from any and every addiction; all while glorifying Jesus Christ.
“A church for the unchurched,” Freeway is a drug and alcohol recovery ministry
Good News Productions International
Joplin, Missouri
Good News Productions seeks to aid and encourage global missions through the use of media and technology. They puts tools and resources into the hands of missionaries and evangelists to spread the good news of Jesus. From providing culturally relevant media to equipping missionaries with the latest in portable media technology Good News Productions seeks to accelerate global evangelism.
Allen & Marilynn Todd
Around the World
G’Day Mate!!! We plan to reach the families of NSW Australia through face to face community relationships and leading a neighborhood church plant.