Blessed Are Those Who Are Ready for His Coming

In his movies, Arnold Schwarzenegger was famous for the catchphrase “I’ll be back.” Go ahead and say it in that voice. That was either good news or bad news depending on whether or not the terminator had been programmed to kill you or protect you.

Arnold could either be your best friend or worst enemy when he “came back.” Long before Schwarzenegger ever uttered that famous line, Jesus promised us he would be back. We see that promise in Revelation 16:15 when he says. “Behold, I am coming like a thief.” He then promises a blessing to those who are ready and waiting for his return. “Blessed is the one who stays awake, keeping his garments on, that he may not go about naked and be seen exposed!

When Jesus comes back, He will either be your best friend or worst enemy. It all depends on whether you’re ready or not. This Sunday we will talk about what it means to be ready for His coming, and what it doesn’t mean.

Many, assume that we can be ready by pinpointing His return on the calendar, or to identify the signs ahead of time. They think we can have a pretty good idea that He’s coming before He comes. Is this the right approach to take?