Blessed Are Those Who Wash Their Robes

Have you ever gone on a trip and left your children at home? What were your last words to your children before you left? “I love you.” “Be good.” “Don’t have any friends over.” Were they words of assurance, words of promise, or words of warning?
It’s not so dramatic these days when everyone has a cell phone. When Teresa and I leave our girls at home we often text multiple times a day. When I was a teen, things were much different. There were no emails or texts, and long distance phone calls were quite expensive. Mom and dad may call me two or three times in a week. There was always a “speech” before they left, and sometimes written instructions.
This sermon is the last inĀ our series on the blessings of Revelation, we come not only to Revelation’s last words. They are also the last words of the Bible. Revelation’s last words are themselves a collection of last words. There are thirteen distinct sayings in this epilogue. We have last words from the angels, last words from John, and last words from the Spirit and the bride. Most importantly, we hear the last words of Jesus. These are the last revealed words from our Lord and Savior until He returns.
Just what sort of last words are they? Listen to find out.