Have you answered the call? I’m not talking about the call offering the new job. I’m not talking about that time the coach called you into the game at a critical juncture. Nope, it’s not the time he asked you to marry him. I’m not talking about the school principal calling you to school, because there was a problem with your child. I’m talking about a different kind of call.
We begin a new series this Sunday on the life of Abraham. Abraham is one of the most interesting characters in all the Bible. Even though he lived more than 4,000 years ago, the New Testament holds him up as a model of faith for our lives. Abraham’s example of faith is important, not because his faith was perfect. Far from it. He had a very flawed faith, but he still kept going. One of our themes for this whole series is that a flawed faith is not a failed faith. Just because you’ve fallen doesn’t mean you can’t get back up and keep going.
Abraham’s journey of faith involved a literal journey. It all began with a call. God called him in Genesis 12:1-4. He called him from the midst of a pagan, idol-worshiping, child-sacrificing culture to leave his place and his people and go to a Promised Land God would show him.
We have all received a call from God. Like Abraham we must all leave something behind and go toward something new. Have you answered the call? What have you left? Where are you going?