Have you ever seen something extraordinary at church– something that makes you go home and say, “Church was really good today.” Hopefully, it was a really moving time of praise, a powerful sermon, an intensely intimate communion when Jesus seems so close.  But too often the things that keep us talking about church long after it’s over are the nervous foibles, human flaws, and fashion faux pas- the comedy of errors that takes over when good intentions run headlong into Murphy’s Law. These are the things that make people say, “Church was really good today.”

But what happens when Jesus shows up on Sunday? This morning were going to look at a time in Jesus’ ministry where he was teaching and the extraordinary happened. No, Peter didn’t stick his foot in his mouth again. No, James and John, those two sons of thunder, didn’t call down fire on a tough crowd. But when it was all over, Luke says everyone went home, “glorifying God and amazement seized them all, and they glorified God and were filled with awe, saying, ‘We have seen extraordinary things today.’”