From Triumph to Trial

Abraham finally makes it to the Promised Land. He has followed God Fully and he made it. It is a huge spiritual triumph in his life. At first, Abraham savors the moment. God appears to him and makes him a promise. Abraham responds by building an altar and worshiping God.

The next verse, however, does not read, “He lived happily ever after.” Rather, the next verse reads, “Now there was a famine in the land.” Abraham trusted God and followed Him to where God had led him, and the first thing that happens is a famine. Why did God lead him into this?

Abraham experienced what we all experience in our spiritual journey- a time of testing after a time of spiritual triumph. Why does God lead us into challenging circumstances when we follow Him faithfully? What happens when we don’t stay where God has called us?

P.S. The first few minutes of this sermon are missing from the recording.