Have you ever tried to ride a bike with only one pedal. If you’re a glutton for punishment go ahead and try it. You might be able to pull it off for a while as you go downhill, but as soon as you hit that incline you’re toast. It takes both pedals working together.
In the same way, we need to both listen to the Word and and do the Word. Some of us are “knowers” by nature. We like to listen and learn and acquire lots of new knowledge. We read and study and take notes. Others of us are “doers” by nature. We don’t want to read or study. Let’s just go do something. Like the two pedals on a bike, however, it takes both of them working together.
In the last half of James 1, he talks about how we need to both hear and do the word of God. However, there are a number of voices that we might listen to that can keep us from hearing the Word of God.
Read James 1:19-27 in preparation for this weekend’s message. Consider the following questions:
1. Do you tend to be a “knower” or a “doer”?
2. What voices are there in your life that keep you from listening to God’s Word?