How do you bring down a superhero? If it’s Superman, you use kryptonite, of course. If it’s Thor, you take away his hammer.

This week we’re going to be talking about the kryptonite that has brought down many strong men as well as lesser men.

If there has ever been a real life Superhero, Samson fits the bill. He was blessed with superhuman strength. No, he wasn’t bitten by a spider, struck by strange lightning, and I don’t think he ever fell into a vat of radioactive goo.

Rather, he was called by God before he was ever born. He was set apart from birth to be used by God. He was blessed by God as he grew and the Holy Spirit gave him superhuman strength.

He did amazing things with his strength. He ripped apart a lion with his bare hands. He killed a thousand Philistines with only the jawbone of a donkey. He tore the gates from the city walls (These would have been massive) and carried them to a hilltop.

You would think with such feats of strength that Samson was the most successful of all Israel’s judges. Surely, he delivered God’s people from the Philistines. If you thought that, then you would also be wrong. He was the least successful of all the judges. The story of Samson is a story squandered opportunity and unrealized promise.

So, what brought this strong man down? Sexual sin. Sexual sin and sexual addiction is wreaking havoc in the world. It’s rewiring our brains, robbing us of true intimacy, and destroying relationships. The church is no exception. The church is filled with strong men brought down by the kryptonite of sexual sin.

Join us Sunday as we look at Samson’s life and learn the patterns that brought him down, and we will look at the danger that threatens our own lives. This is the church’s hidden little secret. We can’t hide it behind Sunday smiles any longer. Let’s seek the hope, help and healing only God can provide.