Job Description of a Husband pt. 2

This week we get back to our series Love for a Lifetime with part 2 for our husbands. Our culture is very confused about love. Just listen to a couple of love songs on the radio or watch a romantic comedy. Of course, all this knowledge of love comes from people who can’t stay married for more than 5 minutes.
We also use the word “love” to describe so many different feelings about so many different things. I love pizza. I love NASCAR racing. I love my wife. I love hiking. I love a good Science Fiction book. I love Jesus. I love hot showers. I love thick Rib-eye cooked medium rare. I love my children. I love beautiful sunsets.
How can this one word be used for so many different things? Surely, I’m not to love my wife like I love pizza. Just how as we as husbands supposed to love our wives? What sort of love should a wife expect from her husband?
Paul answers these questions for us in Ephesians 5:25-33.