People are looking for peace in a lot of places…
- Bar
- In a pill bottle
- Through a syringe
- Gym
- Therapy
- On Vacation
- Partying
- Getting involved in causes
- In food
- Through a credit card
- In corner office
- In Animals
We may find momentary relief from these pursuits, a brief distraction, a pause in our existential angst, but we don’t find true lasting peace. This morning we meet a woman who has never known peace. Men saw her as just a piece, but she’s never had peace. She’s known many lovers, but she’s never known love…until Jesus.
If you’re looking for peace today, I want you to know Jesus is still the Prince of Peace. He still gives peace that passes understanding. If you’re looking for peace, I know where you can find it- the same place this woman found it.