The Danger of Halfway Obedience

Imagine a missionary who’s been called by God to share the gospel in New Guinea. They pack up, and they move away from Missouri, but before taking their flight from Los Angeles, they buy a house in Southern California and move in. They make a home there and the call to New Guinea is placed on hold.
Imagine that you are taking a vacation in Florida. Along the way, you stop for gas and food in Tennessee. Fifteen years later, you are still at the convenience store.
This is exactly what happened to Abraham when he answered God’s call. He didn’t follow God fully. At first, he only obeyed halfway.
Halfway obedience is a trap we can all fall into in our own journey of faith. Instead of obeying completely, we compromise. We miss out on the promise of God because we delay and detour.
Join us Sunday as we look at  the danger of halfway obedience.