The Journey: Is Worth the Cost

What’s the most you’ve ever paid to go on a trip. Earlier in our marriage, Teresa and I dreamed of going on a cruise. Finally, we started saving for the big trip. We saved for months and months, but before we went on our cruise our car died, and we had to fix it. The blessing was we had the money. However, we had to put off the cruise.
This happened to us twice where we saved up the money, but an emergency came up. (This was before we had been through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and had an emergency fund.) Finally, we saved up enough money and took our trip for our 10th anniversary.
It cost a lot, but it was worth it. We crossed several things off our bucket lists, and now we have memories for the rest of our lives.
As Jesus takes his last journey to Jerusalem, he encounters several potential followers. They seem interested in following Jesus, but our Savior asks them if they really want to follow him. He wants them to count the cost.
There is a cost to following Jesus in the journey of life, but he is worth that cost. This Sunday we will count the cost and see that our Lord and Savior is worth whatever the cost.