The Journey: Know Your Destination

There is a section of Luke’s gospel that stretches over ten chapters known as the journey to Jerusalem. This journey stretches from Luke 9:51 all the way to 19:41. It’s almost half the book, and yet it only covers only a few weeks of Jesus’ life. It chronicles the ministry of Jesus as he makes his way for the last time to Jerusalem. He has been here twice before during his ministry years. But this time is different. Jesus has a date with destiny.
Everything changes after Luke 9:51. The crowds get smaller. Jesus’ conflict with the religious leaders intensifies. Jesus’ preparation of the disciples becomes more focused. Jesus continued to teach and perform miracles, but everywhere he went and everything he did, he kept his destination in mind. His life was defined by where he was going?
What is your destination? Where are you going? Whatever we see as our ultimate goal defines what we do now.