To Touch A Hurting World
In Luke 5, we read the story of a leper who came to Jesus to be healed. In order to come to Jesus the leper had to violate all sorts of societal norms, religious laws, and health codes. Leprosy was a name given to all sorts of skin diseases. Such ailments were believed to be the judgment of God because of some sin in someone’s life. A person so afflicted was ostracized by society.
A leper, if he should dare be seen in public, had to cry out “unclean,” and maintain a space of at least 6 feet from other people. Others did everything they could to avoid them. They didn’t want to be contaminated by them.
Jesus did the unthinkable. He reached out and touched the leper. Instead of fear of being contaminated, love sought to cleanse. When everyone else recoiled from him, Jesus reached for him. You have heard it said that as the church, we are the hands and feet of Jesus. That means we must reach out to touch people where they hurt.